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Unlocking Global Talent,Seamlessly.

We're enabling people to work wherever they choose, and employers to effortlessly support their employees' global mobility. Believing that bureaucracy shouldn't be a barrier, we're developing an automated solution to streamline your immigration cases, all in one place.

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How it works?

Step 1
Understanding Your Needs

We begin by understanding your particular needs, whether you're an employer seeking to bring a foreign employee to your chosen destination or an individual in pursuit of employment or residence rights. Registering with Comigrate and filling out a questionnaire allows us to gain a better understanding of your unique situation.

Step 2
Expert Guidance and Support

Our expert team springs into action upon receiving your completed questionnaire. We tailor a solution that perfectly aligns with your situation, leaving no detail too small. We gather all necessary information and documents to compile a comprehensive and flawless application.

Step 3
Professional Representation

We handle the application process with precision, ensuring a smooth experience. We maintain consistent communication with the relevant authorities, making sure everything progresses seamlessly.

Step 4
Delivering Success

Our main goal is to help you achieve your desired outcome. After securing the necessary permit, we make sure you understand the rules and regulations. We're here to provide ongoing support, ensuring a professional and helpful experience with Comigrate.

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Comigrate - Your Trusted Partner for Streamlined Immigration Services

Think of Comigrate as your comprehensive solution for immigration. We specialize in simplifying the complexities of immigration and eligibility to work while upholding the highest standards of professionalism. Our team can assist you with an array of services, including:

Work Permits

Declarations on Assignment of Work

Residence & Work Permits (including those for highly qualified employees - so called a “blue card”)

Our services cater to both foreign individuals seeking opportunities globally and employers looking to harness international talent. At Comigrate, we serve as your dedicated partners, guiding you toward the realization of your immigration and employment objectives with professionalism and expertise.

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Questions & Answers

1. What is the visa and work permit legalization process?
2. Who needs to go through the visa and work permit legalization process?
3. What documents are required for the visa and work permit application?
4. How long does the visa and work permit legalization process take?
5. How does Comigrate help with the visa and work permit process?
6. Can your application provide information on visa/work permit eligibility and requirements?
7. Do I still need to interact with government authorities during the visa and work permit process when using your application?
8. What support and customer service options are available if I encounter issues with the application?

You did not find what you looked for?

Got questions? We're here to assist you!

Or drop us a message, and we'll get back to you in a flash!


Unlocking Global Talent, Seamlessly.

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