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Exceptions from the Labor Market Test in the Process of Obtaining a Work and Residence Permit in Poland

One of the most crucial factors when applying for a work permit is determining whether a foreigner should undergo a labor market test.

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When intending to legally hire a foreign national, employers typically need to conduct the so-called labor market test, which involves proving the unavailability of local workers to meet staffing needs. Formally, this procedure is carried out by obtaining Information from the County Authorities (so called “Informacja Starosty”) based on specific regulations.

The requirement to present Information from the County Authorities (Informacja Starosty) applies to both a Work Permit and a Temporary Residence and Work Permit (both Unified and Blue Card). Individuals applying for a Declaration on Entrusting Work to a Foreigner, however, are not required to include this information.

Therefore, if you are submitting an application (for yourself as an employee or for your employee as an employer) for a Work Permit or a Temporary Residence and Work Permit (Unified or Blue Card), you generally must attach Information from the County Authorities (Informacja Starosty) confirming the unavailability of hiring a Polish citizen for the given position. It is crucial to obtain the Information from the County Authorities (Informacja Starosty) before submitting the application for a Work Permit or Temporary Residence and Work Permit.

However, exceptions exist to the above rule. A foreign national (or employer) may be exempt from the obligation to present Information from the County Authorities (Informacja Starosty) if they meet one of the below criteria. The list is not exhaustive but illustrates the most commonly encountered situations in practice.

Exception from the obligation to present information for certain professional groups:

Having prior work authorization with the same employer in the same position:

Previous legal residence in Poland:

Graduating from a university in Poland:

In case of doubts regarding meeting the criteria for exemption from the obligation to present Information from the County Authorities (Informacja Starosty), we recommend consulting with the Comigrate team in advance.

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